October 12, 2011


Salvaged. Precious pieces rescued from the possibility of being forgotten . . . brought to you at this year's Barn Sale!

Megan and her mom will take you back in time when you enter their booth! Retro furniture, lamps, Mid Century home accessories, Industrial pieces. They've got the best collection!

They have FUN together, and you'll enjoy their enthusiasm for their business. You never know what they have Salvaged.
Megan has an awesome etsy shop and comes to us from the Austin area by way of Knippa- if you don't know where that is it's ok----But as their sign says

Go ahead and blink- Knippa's bigger than you think!

I've loved that sign since I was little! We drove through that town many a time over the years!!!!!
Salvaged. Megan and her mom are sure to bring a sentimental smile to your face. Come see what they've Salvaged. Maybe you'll be inspired to some salvaging of your own!

They'll be ready for you, along with the rest of the Barn Sale Crew.

Barn Sale
Saturday, November 5
JB Wells Show Barn
Gonzalez, TX

(click here for directions to this year's Barn Sale.)

Is your crew ready? Send them a invite HERE.