This was our first time to take part in a Spring Market Day. Marnie Garcia, one of our favorite Barn Sale vendors hosted this Market Day down in Pleasanton. Here we are all ready to unload and set up.
We’re more used to our Fall Barn Sale, puttin’ out pumpkins and a little Christmas here and there. But this Market Day was all about SPRING! We had feeders, buckets and pails for planting spring flowers. Spring inspiration was everywhere.
My mom helped me with the show this time and brought along her favorite collection of vintage aprons. They were blowing in the breeze and pretties were hanging everywhere. My daughter was also right by my side proudly displaying her latest creations.
The favorite sales of the day were definitely our nesters! People have been buying and using the nesters for all kinds of things! We even had one family come to buy one specifically for her chickens to nest! (What a novel idea!)
But after she saw how cute they were, she decided she needed it for her back porch to store gardening supplies and other backyard stuff instead. Many of you are using our nesters for fun things. Send us your pictures and we’ll include them in a post we’ll be doing soon about the nesters.
Pleasant was the perfect word to describe the day and the sale. Marnie gave us a primo location, right in front, right under these huge and beautiful Oak Trees. It was a beautiful Texas Spring Day Under the Oaks!
Thanks to all of you who came to see us. We think joining another Spring Show will definitely be in our plans for next year!