October 13, 2010

Oh, Shoot!

Have you ever said the words Oh, shoot?”

Usually we find ourselves saying "Oh, shoot"when something crummy happens. Well, THIS time, Suzanne was ecstatic to be saying Oh, shoot That’s because she was talking to Amy of AmyBolandPhotography.


Amy has been invited to the Barn Sale and will be capturing the magic of the day through her camera lens. We knew Amy would be the right girl for the job when we saw what she loves to photograph . . . vintage things, rustic furniture, beautiful pottery, gals in boots and all kinds of, well, Barn Sale kinds of things!

Amy loves our style and we love hers. She says in her blog:

I would best describe my style as fun, fresh, & a little bit funky. I have been known to drag vintage furniture out doors for a session. There is nothing more beautiful to me than a rusty old object and peeling old paint.
As a mother, and have definitely sat though my fair share of stuffy posed sessions, just hoping for that perfect shot. Each session is guaranteed to be fun, fresh, natural, & spontaneous. I love to capture those “in between moments.” The moments of you gently brushing the hair from your child’s eyes, or cracking jokes to make the person feel comfortable in front of the camera.
Natural Lifestyle Photography!
 (see her portfolio HERE)   
 (go HERE to read her blog and see what she says about our Barn Sale!)
Amy will be joining YOU at the Barn Sale, taking in all the great finds, and also capturing them on her camera. We’re thrilled that she is coming. You’ll know her when you see her. She’ll be behind the camera when Suzanne and I start saying Oh, shoot.


See you November 13th for the Barn Sale in Cost, Texas. The gate opens at 9 am!
Click HERE for directions.

All photos on the post were borrowed from AmyBolandPhotography.com