April 06, 2018

2018 Applications are HERE!

It's that time again! April means applications in the Barn Sale world.

Our 11th annual Barn Sale! Can you believe it? We've come a long way since that first one in my barn.

Applications are updated and ready for your submission!

We always love seeing your unique items and creativity. Have friends you think would be a fit as a vendor? Feel free to share!

This amazing event has become what it is because of each of you- we've certainly grown over the past 10 years- Thanks to our vendors, shoppers, social media friends, past vendors that no longer do shows and the Amazing Tribe that puts this thing together!

We can't wait to see what year 11 brings in the way of vendor selection!  Get yours in SOON!

Thanks for loving the Barn Sale as much as we do!!

Here's to #11
Suzanne & Tribe

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