In the beginning my Cattleman had to move hay out of the barn for us to use the Barn for a purpose 'not intended' when it was being built! Although, I did have him leave some for aesthetics! My goodness- this man of mine has put up with a lot of ideas from me!
Children, do not try this at home...... We were moving small loads in the back of a small trailer attached to a mule. No- none of our husbands were around for this- just 3 wild and free mommas! Well, not really wild and free- we all 3 had small children at the time! 😅
Speaking of which- this little one has literally grown up amongst the rusty, dusty, chippy, peely things that his Momma loves!
Kids and dirt have been part of the barn sale from the beginning and we don't plan on changing that anytime soon! God gave us all these precious ones to love- and to raise... So what better place to be raised than in a barn! And when it comes to the Barn Sale it is one filled with joy, laughter, creativity, and a lot of hard work- a place most of us want our kids!
Something else that has been with us since the beginning.... This beauty......and we plan on having her come show off for us for a Long, Long, Long time!
It's time to mark those calendars.... Get ready to ride- in whatever way you can to the
10th Annual Rusted Gingham Barn Sale!
Nov 3-4 J.B. Wells Park Gonzales, Texas
**New Friday hours 4pm-9pm!!!! Extra hour of shopping!
Why a post with all this nostalgia? Well, at the beginning of April each year we post applications for hopeful/potential vendors! As most of you know, you see a lot of the same faces year after year in those fabulous booths. But occasionally, things do change. We like to keep a fabulous mix of the best selections for you our shoppers! So, if you or someone you know has ever thought of wanting to create a perfect space in the Barn, now is the time.
Click here to download the application.
It takes Pretty Special people to be in this group.....
And to take part in this.... If you don't know what's happening in this picture feel free to ask me about it. It's one of my Favorite parts!
However, if you don't want to be a vendor because you love all the Cool Goodness already prepared for you... Then by all means, we want you as one of these....
Yes, we want shoppers and Lots of them! so spread the word....
Sweet Goodness, these dear people are ready to get their GoOds on! Love seeing this! Seriously, we love y'all for being part of this journey! Thanks for allowing us to mark our calendars for the 10th time. It's humbling that so many people appreciate the love that goes into this event.
See you in 7 months!
Suzanne & Rusted Gingham crew
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