I really enjoy meeting someone and knowing right off the bat that they are genuine- someone I feel I can talk to and that I really admire for all their ingenuity along with creativity and kindness. This first set of vendors completely fits that description- this is their 5th year with us- and from the get go I knew I could ask these 'seasoned in the shows' ladies anything and they would be honest with me. They have been one of our biggest fans and a huge supporter- we delight in having them back to the barn......
Meet Elaine and Betsy from Sisters Treasures. If you've been in the barn before you will know them from their always unique styles and fabulous displays! These two photos are from their current booth in Warrenton for Texas Antiques Week!
Next is Amy Kaplan of Moonpie and Felicity Rose- Her Totally unique and Upcycled pieces Wowed the crowd last year- and I'm sure she will do the same this year! Amy joins us from down I-10 in Katy, Texas.
Janet from The Blackbird Sang will be setting up shop - she has been with us in the past as Blacktop Junkies- still same great goods- just new name! She brings a fun hippy boho style to the barn.
Audrey with Principessa Jewels
will be joining us for the first time this year. My goodness- let me just say there are some absolutely talented jewelry artisans out there... We get a tremendous amount of applicants in that category and it is really hard to limit- but alas we must choose....
(p.s.- If anyone sees these earrings in her booth before I get there- please buy them as a Christmas present for me... ;-) We do try to have a varied assortment of jewelry among the vendors- it is not all the same- especially since these are handmade! We Welcome Principessa to the Barn!
Oh boy- Next up is the Beautiful and sweet Ellen of MzElle's with her handcrafted and embellished journals and journal covers. Talk about beautiful- I received a personalized one in my favorite colors- I smile every time I use it!! These are truly works of art. Bible journals, prayer journals, teacher gifts, list journals, to do journal- you name it... We are happy to have her back!
Bent Nail Redesigns
Becca is joining us in the barn again- this lady can take something no longer in use and make it into something beautiful and totally unique! She has lighting, furniture and home decor along with some of her original photography pieces and a few vintage items to round out the look!
M.A.D. Vinyl Expressions
will be back with us this year- they are from a little town outside S.A called Adkins and love to work with Vinyl on glass.....
I have a few cousins that I know would LOVE this for their little boys!!
These ladies specialize in 8x8, 6x6, and 4x8 lamps along with a few baby items that have sayings on them, cutting boards and glass plates that have vinyl sayings.
And our last vendor to 'Round up' for this post is the super sweet duo of Gwen & Lynn from Brass Hippo
This is one of the kindest couples you will ever meet- they took a hiatus from the Barn last year after finding out they were going to be Grandparents during that time! So we welcome them back!
These two specialize in vintage china tiers, decoupaged barn wood, vintage pearls/estate jewelry, wood shelves and wood crosses- oh and lots of smiles!!!
Time to tell the girlfriends, Mama's, MIL's, Sisters, Neighbors and whomever else to mark their calendar for the Best Goods south of I-10...
Nov 6th/7th at JB Wells Park in Gonzales, Texas.
Hope you are enjoying the taste of GoOds coming this way....
Suzanne @ Rusted Gingham
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