October 02, 2014
It's the B-I-G News.....
We are looking forward to another 'cool' front down here- hope you are getting a bit of fall weather wherever you may be as well!
If you have been to the Barn in the Past you have seen some of our signs---
Welcome, Love to Junk, We Love Barn Sale - We love signs!!!!
Well- It finally appeared so I can tell you now.....
The Big News..........
A BIG sign!!! We've never done anything this Big before!!!
Please spread the word- near and far!!! Find us on Instagram, Facebook- share us with your friends--We are gettin' so ExCitEd about the Barn Sale.......Antique, Vintage, Handmade, Re-made and otherwise Made GoOds will be waitin' for you!!
If you see this Billboard- tag it on Instagram #barnsale2014
Tag it on Facebook
We have a few prizes to be drawn for those that tag it!!!!!
Hope you Like our BIG news- we think it looks pretty fancy!
WE give a Giant Thanks to this precious man for allowing his sweetly restored Ford to be part of the Barn Sale every year- and now part of the Billboard! For those of you that know me- it is the only time I get excited about something orange (with the exception of Pumpkins which I LOVE!) - he loves the school colors here!
Note the Come and Take It shirt- This weekend- Gonzales, Texas. Come & Take It Celebration---- Gonzales, Texas. Celebrate the Battle Cry 'Come and Take It' that started the Texas Revolution!
See you at the Barn! (look for the orange truck up front.....)
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