September 17, 2014

Piddlin Junk n Bent Nails Bunkhouses and Birdies

Here comes another week of Great Vendor Sneak Peeks!!!!  We are just 7 Weeks away from the Best Vintage Sale south of I-10!  Vendors are stashing, painting, buffing, hammering, spinning, painting and you name it to get the GoOdS ready for their booths!  I have to admit- we have been doing almost all of the above ourselves......

So Here we go with vendors from Albany, Austin, La Vernia, San Antonio x2, and San Marcos!

This vendor is so excited to be with us- She told a friend- 'I finally got in!'  When you own a vintage store for a few years you manage to have enough things and habits to create great displays!  We are happy to welcome Janie of Piddlin Pooh's to the Barn!

 The next one I was bound and determined to get some of her Awesome pics in this post- but my lack of computer skills are not allowing it to happen.... SO- Trust me when I say if you dig things like doors, deer mounts, suitcases and cool colors- then you will want to find Karen of Junk N Treasure!! 

Next up is a repeat vendor- Birdie Vintage Home Market.  Their display from photos last year was beautiful- and their booth was just as beautiful!  We hope you enjoy the treats they have in store!  Here are some recent pics of their booth from Gatherings in Georgetown. If you live in that area or pass through- make time to stop in......

Joining us for the first time from San Marcos is Becca of  Bent Nail Redesigns  
I have enjoyed her ever creative mind when she posts new photos!  I cannot wait to see what she brings to the Barn!

Disco anyone????

Next is beautiful Lisa from Adornments by Lisa- you will find this beautiful lady giving out free smiles the whole time!  I have never been by her booth when she wasn't smiling!  She absolutely loves what she does- her treasures include handmade 'shabby chic' items like journals, tote bags, wall hangings, altered books and cards- along with other goodies that you will have to come see for yourselves....

A book of quotes- perfect for card making or scrapbooking!
This was part of her beautiful display from last year!

 And lastly for this week coming back for her 3rd year all the way from Albany, Texas- is Leesa from Bunkhouse Divas!  She was one of the first clothing vendors we allowed- and the Barn Sale shoppers have loved her- so back she comes!!!  I am only showing one picture - as you will have to come see the clothes for yourself.... If any of you want to get me something really cute for a gift- here is an idea..... wink wink ha ha- but it is VERY fitting for me!!!

Pretty Darn cute if you ask me!

Just a heads up- a few exciting things coming up..... The Biggest Antique/Junk Fair in the state is rolling it's way in to Warrenton and Round Top, Texas!!!  Vendors are setting up as I type this- eeekkksss makes my heart race!  Rusted Gingham will be there a few times roaming the fields, visiting with friends, making new friends, and just enjoying the pleasantries of others J-U-N-K!!  Shout a Howdy if you see us!

Exciting something coming to Gonzales- stay tuned........

Till next week---


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