It's time to celebrate our Independence!
Here's how the girls at Rusted Gingham enjoy July 4th.
It usually involves food of some sort. Something easy like dogs or burgers, and something sweet and cool like watermelon, cold drinks, ice cream, and something festive.
Last year, we used fresh strawberries and blueberries and enjoyed red white and blue star shaped shortcakes for dessert! YUM!
Every year involves a small town Texas parade of some sort. So far, we have enjoyed the parades as spectators. We take this role seriously, and are always dressed for the occasion.
Last year we went a few miles down the road to watch the parade in Comfort, TX . There's nothing like a small town Texas parade.
We made the trip with our friends vacationing here from New Mexico. Our two girls and their five boys loved seeing all the cool 'floats' in the Comfort parade. We adults enjoyed the fact that we got a primo spot under SHADE trees for the entire parade!!
Texas parades are always HOT!
It doesn't get any better than this....or does it? about a parade that's been going on since 1851? How about joining the longest running Fourth of July celebration west of the Mississippi! How about joining us for the 4th of July parade in Round Top, TX! That's where we'll be this year. But not as spectators. We're taking the plunge and jumping right in the middle of this historic parade as participants!
The girls at Rusted Gingham will be 'floating' in on of the greatest old-fashioned parades around these here parts. Our float of choice will be a truck, and you're sure to see our Rusted Gingham name proudly displayed for all to see, along with our cute kiddos!
The civil war-era cannon will boom at 10:30, announcing the start of the Round Top parade -- a long, historic line of floats, cars, trucks, tractors, fire engines, trail riders, and longhorn cattle.
photo courtesy of Round Top Rifle Association |
As the parade wraps up, everyone heads a few blocks down FM 1457 to the historic Round Top Rifle Hall. There you'll find great brisket, pork, and sausage on the Hall's huge wood fired pits. German style potatoes, green beans, fixin's, and homemade desserts round out a delicious buffet lunch. It will be the perfect way to celebrate a great day for our country in a cute little Texas town that we love so much!
How about joining us? Here's more info if you want to come join the hundreds that line the streets for the Round Top, TX, parade.
Let us know you're coming and we'll save some candy for you!
Happy Independence Day from
Suzanne and Tracy
the Girls at Rusted Gingham.
interested in LAST year's 4th of July post? click HERE to go read it.
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