Before we begin the celebration, the picnic, the parade, the fireworks…we stop to remember why that flag is flying and what it stands for.

O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain. We do have spacious skies in Texas, and we see waves of grain in the fields nearby. We’re so glad to be Texans, but most thankful to be Americans – to live in a country founded by honorable men who put their trust in God. We have that same desire – it is in God we trust!

Our Independence Day celebrations have sometimes been with family, and other times with friends. But there is always ice cream, watermelon, and a Big Ole’ Texas-sized Burger….

We never miss an opportunity to show our spirit and wear our red, white, and blue.

Once properly painted and fed, we join small town Texas for a good old fashioned parade down Main Street!

We will be visiting with friends again this year. Doing a bit of traveling. But as always, we’ll cut up a watermelon, grill some burgers, and get curbside spots for the parade! Maybe we’ll see you there . . . we’ll be the ones dressed in red, white, and blue from head to toe!

Tell us how you will spend the 4th of July! How do you celebrate?
Suzanne and Tracy