1. Jasmine Tropica Tea
2. Mrs Meyer's Clean Day
Enter Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day. A collection of household products with essential oils from flowers and herbs that smell awesome! Garden scents like Lavender, Lemon Verbena, Basil, and Geranium. (I'm going green again!) The packaging doesn't have a big ugly face, and I happen to love the turquoise blue wrapper of my favorite scent, basil. It totally makes me happy when I walk into my kitchen and smell that basil!
I did a little research before this post, and also found out there really is a sweet Mrs. Meyer who lives in Iowa, raised 9 children, and is the inspiration behind her daughter's business. You can take a look at Mrs. Thelma Meyer here and see more info on the company. I love ALL her stuff! I've found it at Central Market and I'm pretty sure I saw a big WalMart with her cleaners, but don't hold me to that. Online purchasing works fine, as well.
3. one thousand gifts
click the book jacket
to read the first chapter
I discovered Ann Voskamp a couple years ago when she took a Compassion International trip to Guatemala and blogged about her experience there. I was so drawn to her words, her writing, and her intimate relationship with Christ. I began reading her blog every day, http://www.aholyexperience.com/ which has become my most favorite devotion each morning.
Ann also published a book last year, titled "one thousand gifts". I've read it twice through and have made all my little marks in the margins and squiggly underlines in places I want to find again.
Ann's writing has encouraged me to want to live fully where I am, fully engaged in my every day life that often tempts me to want to complain...yet I'm practicing my choice to give thanks for every gift God brings my way. I've been counting gifts every day and I'll be happy to let you know when I reach my first one thousand gifts!
Below is a really beautiful preview of Ann's thoughts behind her book.
4. chocolate covered . . . anything
So this brings me to my one true love that has never changed, never faltered, and never failed me. And that is chocolate covered anything. (Ok, not gross things like ants, just the normal things you might think of smothering in chocolate.)
I could go for chocolate covered strawberries for Valentines, or a really rich chocolate cake loaded with chocolate icing and, well, strawberries. Or some kind of chocolate decadent dessert at a fancy restaurant that gives you a huge slice big enough for two - but I tell him I'm NOT sharing!
I could pretty much do Godiva dark chocolate of any kind (skip the surprise centers, though). I have found that the ultra sweet and creamy taste of milk chocolate is no longer my favorite. These days, it seems the darker the better. Suzanne's got a pretty awesome selection of chocolate over at her place. I think I'll just go ahead and place my Valentine's order right now.

Suz, I'm meanin' all three, just in case that wasn't clear!! It's been a while since you've indulged my chocolate fetish, so I'm thinking Valentine's is the perfect occasion. And I know the payin customers come first, so I don't mind if I have to wait a bit. Just make sure they're covered in chocolate , OK? ♥
Happy Valentines y'all!
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