Wanted to share about a few hands that have been busy......
Debbie and Donna- they are local gals! Right here in Gonzales! They have been to the sale previously and loved it- so they decided to have a booth....their 1st Ever!!!! They will be bringing quilts, fabric bundles, fat quarters, misc sewing notions, baby burp cloths, onesies, bibs and much much more!!!! Can you tell what their passion is????
Tiffany and Judy- two more local gals! They have also been to the sale previously and loved it! Their hands have been busy with crochet headwraps, beanies, scarves, blankets decorated shirts and more!!! We can't wait to see how their booth is stocked!
Teresa - another local gal----Wow! All these ladies love working with their hands!! She will bring handwoven scarves, shawls and wraps- these are amazing! I was able to view them recently and wanted to wrap up in one- even though it was 90 degrees outside! They are gorgeous - and she can do custom orders!
Yuki- a San Antonio gal! She will be bringing her hand knit scarves and some vintage linen napkins. Her work looks beautiful and we look forward to seeing her table full of fluffy scarves!
So- as you can tell, these ladies have been busy getting ready for the sale----so come support them and their creativity!

Suzanne & Tracy