September 13, 2010

The Chickens are Nesting

It’s nesting time! That means we are getting ready for Fall and The Barn Sale, and we’re dusting off the nesters and getting them ready for you.

You don’t have chickens? No problem. Neither do we! 
But take a look at how we put a good nester to use at our place!


I bet you have a few toys stuffed in your corners
that would love to nest in one of these!

Or what about all those shoes? Nesters are a perfect storage bin for
mud boots, school shoes, flip flops, or whatever you put on your feet!

Can you just imagine how cute these would be to store your fabric stash, 
or your towels and linens, books, magazines, crafts?
(By the way, This is Tracy's fabric stash. Wait till you see what's she's stitchin up!)
We think nesters are totally cool. And you’ll find them at this year’s Barn Sale.
Saturday, November 13 in Cost, Texas.

Don’t be stingy. Forward this along to someone else and start nesting.
The folks over at The Inspired Room have already started nesting.
Stop by and see lots of Fall Nesting inspiration.
Suzanne and Tracy