So I've used the word Iconic to describe this little post. When you hear that word each and every one of us can automatically come up with thoughts and visions of things that classify as Iconic in life. I'm going to share a quick re-cap of a little trip Cattleman and I took.... It included 3 Iconic things in my life!
We headed south last weekend to a Stock Show without our kids (gasp for those of you that know us.....) Cattleman had some work to do so I went along to handle a little business of my own. First things first.... We NEVER get away together this time of year- so we were kind of shocked it really happened! Then as we were driving he said those five words I was hoping he would say.....
'Wanna eat at King's Inn?'
Now there are some of you saying- Where's that? Well, let me just say- if you've never been there you better know where you are going or you'll completely miss the turn off. No, we did not miss it- but you have to know it's coming! King's Inn is located at Baffin Bay (south of Kingsville)- it overlooks the bay- you can watch the waves while you order some of the best seafood you will ever put in your mouth. Oh- and the homemade secret recipe
So we completely stuffed ourselves...... this is a Family Style serve restaurant- there was plenty of everything. Oh my goodness- I'm getting hungry just typing this! If any of you are headed back from the beach please get an order of shrimp for me- and a quart of tartar! All this being said, I am not getting any kickbacks from the King's Inn for advertising for them- just sharing the love! I had a friend on the trip remind me that they had taken us there when my little guy was a baby- so it's been 9 years since our last dining there and it was just as good if not better (we've been there other times than those as well)! Time made the taste-buds grow fonder!
The following day found us in Mercedes, Texas. Cattleman was working and I was able to go handle some business- that of a gift certificate that needed to be commissioned. Here is where I wound up..
If you've never heard of Rios of Mercedes it's ok- it just means you aren't a 'Boot Junkie' like I am. I love this little building completely covered in green vine year round - this is South South Texas... everything is green all year! Notice the large boot out front- yes- it has the block ATM on it! Whoop! I spent the better part of 3 hours in this building designing a pair of custom boots. This is my second time to work with them on a pair of boots. Rios has been in the boot business since 1853. I'm fairly certain that classifies as Iconic when it comes to building boots!!! - hopefully I'll be sporting my new ones at the 10th annual Barn Sale! For me, designing 'A' pair of hand crafted custom boots is Very, Very, Very hard. You see, I l-o-v-e vintage boots- the more inlays and the more colorful the better. So when I am having to narrow down ideas to fit on one pair it becomes quite a challenge. That being said these will be colorful and personalized. Oh, and I am not getting any 'kickbacks' (no pun intended) from them either...although I'll probably need some!
And finally when you are in South South Texas there are two types of food that you should eat- Mexican and Seafood. That being said, a lot of places down there combine the two! Well, for us we were able to enjoy the Seafood part of it. And here is where the last Iconic figure comes in from our trip....
There will be two sets of expressions when y'all read this- Some will say- 'Nice pic of 3 Aggies and one that's not' and the other set will say- 'Oh my Gosh- That's Dr. Joe and Dr. Chris!' Yep- I'm going to go with the latter of those two comments.
Most people have had someone or ones that have impacted their life in more ways than they can count. Y'all know how special my Momma is and my Grandma was to me and that they've left lasting impressions on my life. Thanks to my Momma for staying with the kiddos so we could get away for this trip! Ok- Back to this picture..... I'm not a 'huge' social media user- but I am Highly Thankful that it has allowed me to connect with people that I was once very close to in life and for one reason or another had lost touch.
The man next to me is 'Dr. Joe' - that is what he told everyone to call him- not the Formal title he fully deserved. That man is the full reason I was able to become an Aggie (well that and the fact that God already had it in his divine plan for my life!) and succeed at A&M. I remember people telling me that the College of Ag was like a big family and to be sure and get to know your professors. I took that to heart before even getting to A&M and meeting with Dr. Joe before becoming an Aggie. From the first time we met he remembered my name- pretty humbling when he had a whole lot of other kiddos to remember too! Dr. Joe knew I wanted to succeed and made sure that I kept my grades where they needed to be- and that I was involved in student life at A&M. I remember him telling great stories in class, and when I would visit his office- and he did the same thing last week. Hard work and Humor go hand in hand with Dr. Joe stories! Why am I adding this picture to the list of Iconic things?
Well, when you say the name 'Dr. Joe' it comes with a special ring to it. He holds a special place in my life that no one can replace. I'm sure many other Aggies would agree that he is an Icon of the College of Ag at A&M. Dr. Joe has retired along with his wife- Dr. Chris who wound up being my actual advisor! There aren't too many schools where you will find a husband wife duo like them. Impact upon impact happened daily between main and west campus when they were on staff! Our few hours together last week completely humbled me-I've seen Dr. Joe once since I graduated (almost 20 years ago) and when I contacted him to see if we could get together while we were in South Texas he was more than willing. I do not say this to brag- I say this to encourage others. You Never know what an impact you may be having on someone elses life on a daily basis. To think that he would remember me from that many years ago and tell stories about some of my ideas while I was at A&M (to which Cattleman responded- she still has 'ideas' all the time!) was pretty amazing. He and Chris have invested their lives into that of 'kids' trying to figure out what they want to do with the rest of theirs. It was a delight to share with them what I've 'been up to' since college- and to connect on an 'adult' level- although I'll N-e-v-e-r be on the same level as the two of them. Cattleman enjoyed listening to the stories and hearing a few of me. He has his own Icons from his college days too- we are both very grateful for the relationships we've made and how they've blessed our lives. The only thing I do wish could have been different from our get together is that I wish our kids could have been there to hear the stories from this amazing couple! Maybe another day.....
I always encourage kids that are headed to college to get to know their professors or TA's if prof's aren't easily accessible. I honestly feel sorry for kids that do not connect with professors or department heads while they are in college- they really miss out on another entire level of learning. I also don't understand all the 'on-line' courses now..... but that is a whole 'nother thing! Maybe it's not college for you or your kids- but hopefully you've had or will have that Iconic mentor of a person or persons that will help guide you down the path least taken, just waiting for you to blaze your own trail.
Proverbs 16:9 says 'The mind of a man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.' That was for sure the case with me- and continues to be. I had my mind made up where I wanted to be for school (which means college in our house) and Dr. Joe made sure I worked hard so that it would happen. Looking back I see so many intricate parts that God had lined out that I had no idea of at the time. I am honored to have been a part of A&M when Dr. Joe and Dr. Chris were there, that was all part of God's plan too! I hope each of you prays that God will direct your steps so that you stay in line with his path for your life!
Here's to Icons of all kinds! May we each appreciate them in our own way!
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