September 25, 2015


To Gather: to bring together, to collect, pick, harvest, accumulate, to pick up little by little, to draw about or close to something, to pull fabric along a line of stitching into puckers, assemble.

Last night I was at a Gathering- an Amazing Gathering- a God inspired gathering- a God blessed gathering.  I could not sleep when I got home (late)- my brain was whirling and I woke up early (earlier than I normally do for those of you that know my 'early')with the brain jogging.
Surprising I know- it hasn't been opened yet- not even for a midnight snack when I got home.... don't worry- I haven't eaten breakfast yet..... ;-) 

I was invited to this Gathering last night.  I took my sweet girl and a very dear neighbor with me (neighbor being defined as: one living or located near another) - and we are in the country- so we can have lots of 'neighbors' not just people on our street!  We had sweet visiting time on the way up about how life can change in the blink of an eye- one moment cruising down your path and then BOOM- A red light and you have to slam on the brakes!  Stopping to learn about the health of a loved one and how that is going to affect everyone- everyone. The good thing about the situation we are discussing is that people will Gather to bless this family- and I know this family is going to be a blessing to others that will one day have to go through this same situation.

For those of you that know me- or get to know me through this little blog- you know I love to Gather- people, books, pictures, things, JuNk..... so this Gathering last night was a renewal for me.  Renewing in that I had words spoken to me of encouragement and blessing, I heard other ladies speak of things that I've been through and things they have had to endure that they hope I never do.  I took notes, I took more notes, I cried- and I cried some more and I made a new friend. God showed up boldly- I had asked for particular things in prayer over the past few days and they were all nailed down solidly last night.

 This is what last night consisted of - Sisters, Dreamers & Makers- Amazing ones at that!

 Worship music led by Debbie Byrd and Tyler Daniels

This is the group of ladies that poured into me last night (please forgive the crazy eyes....)

One of the ladies said I needed to do 'what God puts in my gut' -- 8 years ago I did just that with the help of friends.  Psalm 37:4 tells us to- Take delight in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our heart.  Y'all - he delights in my Gathering people. He has blessed this little thing we started 8 years ago here in our Barn that has grown to a much bigger Barn.  He has and continues to give me the desires of my heart.  Last night- one of those desires was to introduce me to a new friend (that's her to the right-Randi) - and he did just that.  I cannot help but take delight in the Lord for All he has done for me, I cannot even begin to express that- come over someday and we can chat about it over some iced tea.

Some of my takeaways from last night that I feel called to share with you---- We are a vessel to reach every person that comes through the door of the Barn- and anywhere else we are for that matter. Many are the plans in a persons heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails- Prov 19:21. Keep God at the center of my work. Be who God created me to be. Pray for the right vendors and that everyone that is supposed to be there will show up. My business is part of my walk. The Lord will provide. I am the only one that has my story. I have a 'tribe' (boy do I ever... Barn Sale would not happen without an absolutely amazing dedicated Tribe!!!!) Who do I work for each day? ( Hint- My creator!) We are to see each other through God's eyes. What I do ripples in eternity. Be an agent of grace. Seek wise counsel.

Is any of that new to me- Not- at- all... Hearing it from a totally diverse group of ladies at different ages and different stages of life- Renews me.  Keep Gathering, Keep doing what I'm doing, Shine His light,  Fix Junk (God didn't come to save the righteous- he came to 'heal the junk' as some would say), Serve others, Love others.

Thank you to this lady (aka: The Pie Queen) and my new friend Randi for hosting a fabulous Gathering last night.

Y'all- this group of vendors has been hand picked- God put them in the Barn for a reason.  I hope you can come and see what he is doing with the Barn Sale down here in Gonzales, Texas November 6/7th.  He is sure showing me things- things only he can reveal. 

I am very Honored and Thankful to say that The Pie Queen and some of her tribe will be back in the barn with us this year! 

The pie from Royer's Pie Haven , tamales from our local A&M club and Cocoa coolers from a sweet young vendor kept me going through the sale last fall- my Cattlemen (the handsome one in the black hat) would show up with a piece of pie and ask me if I had eaten anything recently- I am not one to turn down Tara's pie- Especially Junk Berry pie!  Speaking of the other vendors- Very happy to have all the previous food vendors back again... and look out--- Vendor intros start next week..... Loads of great sneak peeks coming your way!

Until then--- I'm going to have Pie for breakfast- thanks to Tara.

And.... if you are headed to Warrenton/ Round Top for Texas Antiques week - be on the lookout for these....
#barnsale 2015 on instagram if you see any of these shirts!  By the way- we still have a few left if you are interested email us--- sizes are limited!!

Thanks to each of you for being on this journey with us and for being part of our Gathering- and for encouraging us.  Have  a beautiful day- gather where you can and hope to see you soon.

Suzanne @ Rusted Gingham

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