A few years ago a Really sweet lady and her daughter came to a show we were at to introduce themselves. We were thrilled as these two had gone all out 'staging' their 'hope to' booth for the Barn Sale- in a pasture. It was by far the neatest photo set up we had seen from all the other pics sent in. Needless to say- they were selected and have been with us since. Not only have they been with us- they have been a HUGE help to us! A great friendship has developed and truly cannot imagine Barn Sale without the sweet Bluebonnet Smile crew!
A lot of handiwork in this booth- literally! Katie spends countless hours with a needle and yarn in hand, she truly does not have idle hands! One unique item is their barbed wire balls- if you get there early enough they typically have some with lights in them! Talk about something neat out in your yard or hanging from an arbor or porch!
Sweet smiles and they are real! Such fun to be around! We are Delighted to have them as part of the Barn Sale!
A bluebonnet wrap- this is by far one of the prettiest wraps I have ever seen!
Maroon and white chevron- oh yes! You know I would love that! Bluebonnet Smile
is online and on FB. Keep up with her between now and the sale to see what she has going on!
fringe- really- with yarn- how awesome!
Now- this sweet lady had a friend that she suggested try to be a vendor as well. This friend had a unique name, one we had a hard time trying to figure out how to say it the first year- TXBluiz. She does a lot of handiwork too- and then she does hand held work- with a camera! This barely represents what she has done, so just know that more beauty awaits you at the Barn Sale! Rumor has it that she has been back to West Texas recently and just might hit Montana pre Barn Sale- and has been in Germany! No telling what her eye will or has captured through the lens!
Amazing photography, canvas, prints and cards. I can Never get enough cards from her! They are absolutely gorgeous and if I had any around here I would photograph them to show you, but I've given them all away. The cards are totally Frame worthy as they are just mini versions of the photos!
We are SO excited to have these ladies back with us for another show- and I know you will be glad they are back too!
This past week Katie of Bluebonnet Smile was kind enough to meet me at JB Wells Park to do some 're measurements' of parts of the barn. As mentioned in previous posts- it really is a barn- as you can see, this time it was F-U-L-L of horse stalls..... so we got the best measurements we could! That little wheel is awesome!
We are Busy busy getting ready to fill that barn with the Best Vendors from the state of Texas! Have you made plans to join us Nov 7-8th? Friday 4-8 and Saturday 9-4. Free parking, $3 at door.
Have a great first full week of August!
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